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C Example to Reverse a file

This an example how to reverse a file. It is based on recursion.
The idea is to read all the file and when you reach the end(EOF) print them.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void reverse(FILE * file) {
int fscanf_return_value;
char x;
/* read a char */
fscanf_return_value = fscanf(file,"%c",&x) ;
if(fscanf_return_value == EOF) { //fscanf returns EOF as the END OF FILE
reverse(file); //Get the next char
//do something with the char e.g. print

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
FILE *fd;
if (argc!=2) {
printf("Usage : \n %s FILENAME\n",argv[0]);
if(!(fd=fopen(argv[1],"r"))) {
printf("Opening file error\n");
printf("\n\n\t---\tenoD - Done\t---\n");

To run it just give it argument the name of the file you want.
For example if the code above is in a file named reverse.c
and compiled with the command

gcc reverse.c -o reverse

just type in the konsole

./reverse reverse.c

and you will get the output bellow.
If you want to save it to another file the easiest way to do it
is to execute

./reverse reverse.c >> output.txt

Example of output is:

;)"n\---t\enoD - Donet\---t\n\n\"(ftnirp
;)"n\rorre elif gninepO"(ftnirp
{ )))"r",]1[vgra(nepof=df(!(fi
;)]0[vgra,"n\EMANELIF s% n\ : egasU"(ftnirp
{ )2=!cgra( fi
;df* ELIF
;i tni
{ )][vgra* rahc ,cgra tni(niam tni

tnirp .g.e rahc eht htiw gnihtemos od//
rahc txen eht teG// ;)elif(esrever
ELIF FO DNE eht sa FOE snruter fnacsf// { )FOE == eulav_nruter_fnacsf(fi
; )x&,"c%",elif(fnacsf = eulav_nruter_fnacsf
/* rahc a daer */
;x rahc
;eulav_nruter_fnacsf tni
{ )elif * ELIF(esrever diov

>h.bildts< edulcni#
>h.oidts< edulcni#

--- enoD - Done ---

I think it is a simple to understand example.
Another way to do it is to use fseek(FILE,SEEK_END) to move the pointer in the file at the end and then start reading a char,do something with it,use fseek(FILE,-1,SEEK_CUR) to move the pos one char back and do this untill you reach the SEEK_SET.
i hope this was helpful. Please post any comments you have.

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