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Programming from the Ground Up

Jonathan Bartlett
Edited by Dominick Bruno, Jr.

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ISBN 0-9752838-4-7

Published by Bartlett Publishing in Broken Arrow, Oklahom

Library of Congress Control Number: 2004091465

Bartlett Publishing Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bartlett, Jonathan, 1977-
Programming from the ground up / Jonathan Bartlett ; edited by Dominick
p. cm.
Includes index.

ISBN 0-9752838-4-7

1. Linux. 2. Operating systems (Computers) 3. Computer programming. I. Bruno, Dominick. II. Title.

QA76.76.O63 2004

005.268—dc22 2004091465

This book can be purchased at http://www.bartlettpublishing.com/

This book is not a reference book, it is an introductory book. It is therefore not suitable by itself to learn how to professionally program in x86 assembly language, as some details have been left out to make the learning process smoother. The point of the book is to help the student understand how assembly language and computer programming works, not to be a reference to the subject. Reference information about a particular processor can be obtained by contacting the company which makes it.

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